May 2025
Dead to sin. Alive to Christ.
What is Baptism?
Baptism is a God-given way to publicly declare our faith and commitment to Christ.
It’s not a means to salvation, but a beautiful symbol of the salvation we already have. It represents our faith in Jesus, our commitment to follow Him, and the washing away of sin. Through baptism, we celebrate new beginnings and the transformative power of God’s grace.
We believe that all Christians–no matter their age–should be baptized as an act of obedience to Christ’s command to His disciples to baptize others in His Name (Matthew 28:18-20); to demonstrate to others a personal relationship with Christ and a desire to live according to His teachings (Acts 16:16-34); and to renounce one’s past life of sin and embrace the hope and promise of new life in Christ, aligning himself with Jesus’ death and resurrection (Romans 6:1-11; Galatians 2:20).
At Christ Community, we cherish the opportunity to witness lives transformed by the power of God’s grace, and baptism serves as a tangible expression of that transformation.
How do I know if I’m ready to be baptized?
You have realized that your sins have separated you from God.
You have given up all efforts to reach God through your own good works or religious activity.
You have concluded that Jesus’ death on the cross for your sins is the only thing that can bridge the gap between you and God.
You have decided to trust Jesus alone for your life and salvation.
You want to publicly share your commitment to Jesus.
Next Steps.
Step one
Tell us your story.
Tell us a little more about yourself and your journey with Jesus.
Step Two
Attend a Baptism Orientation.
Join us for a Baptism Orientation several weeks before our Baptism Weekend. This is a time to get to know you, hear your story, and answer some of your questions about how we do baptism.
Step Three
Get Baptized.
After registering and attending the Baptism Orientation, simply attend the service in which you’d like to be baptized. Your story–as well as the stories of the others who are being baptized–will be an integral part of our worship experience during the service.
Step Four
We’ll all rally around you and celebrate your decision to get baptized! After the service, we’ll have light desserts to enjoy as a church family.
Can my family be baptized together?
Yes! If each family member has personally placed his or her trust in Christ for salvation, we encourage families to be baptized at the same time. If you’re not sure whether a child is ready to be baptized, let us know and we’ll help you discern this.
I was baptized as an infant--can I get baptized again?
We recommend that you be baptized again if you haven’t been baptized since you became a believer. It doesn’t devalue a prior experience, but simply reflects your desire to celebrate your new life in Christ. If you were baptized as an infant, it was an expression of your parents’ desire that you follow Jesus and declare yourself to be His. Your baptism reflecting your desire to follow Christ is an expression of the fact that your parents’ desire has been fulfilled, not a repudiation of their decision to baptize you as an infant.
I've decided to get baptized. What should I bring to the service?
- A bathing suit with shorts and a dark t-shirt.
- Aqua socks or something for your feet to keep you from slipping (if desired).
- A towel.
- A plastic bag or something similar to take home your wet clothes.
- A change of clothes.
Please note that the person baptizing you should bring these things as well.
What else should I know about the Baptism Service itself?
Arrive at the service dressed in what you will be baptized in to ensure you’re ready to go. The person baptizing you should do the same. If you prefer to change at the church, you can use the men’s or women’s restrooms located throughout the building.
After you register, you’ll receive an email with detailed instructions on seating and check-in upon arrival. This email will also include additional information on how the service will proceed.
Following your baptism, please return to your seat, even if you are a bit wet, to share in the joy of witnessing others being baptized during the service.
Can someone take photos or videos of me getting baptized?
We will have a professional photographer on-site to capture moments from the event, and you will receive a link to access these photos. Additionally, you are welcome to have a friend or family member take personal pictures or videos. We kindly ask that they avoid standing directly in front of the baptismal to ensure a clear view for the congregation and the cameras recording the baptisms for projection on the screens.
What if I still have questions?
No problem! Feel free to wrestle with them and process them with a pastor here at Christ Community. Pastors are available to answer any specific questions you might have by clicking on the chat icon on the bottom of this page.