Ryan Dougherty
Youth for Christ | Northern Colorado
Youth For Christ USA is member nation of Youth For Christ International serving in over 110 nations globally. As International Liaison, Ryan represents YFC/USA within the international community, connecting leaders serving in the U.S. with leaders internationally. His primary area of focus right now is developing programs to reach immigrant and refugee youth living in the U.S. through YFC’s international partnerships. Additionally, he oversees 13 Youth For Christ Chapters in the U.S. and serves in leadership development, board relationships, and ministry growth.
Facts About Youth For Christ
  • The people group most unreached by the Church in the USA are Immigrant populations.
  • 35% of all immigrants globally live in the U.S., more than any other nation.
  • One in 5 young people under 20 years old in the U.S. have at least one parent who is an immigrant.
  • 68% of American Christians say their church has never encouraged them to reach out to immigrants.
  • The most efficient way to reach immigrants is through para-church partners, like Youth For Christ, who have a global influence.
Prayer Requests
  • Pray for partnerships and resources in immigrant neighborhoods which are often the poorest communities in a city.
  • Pray for leaders in the U.S. and around the world to show Christ’s love to young people.