Kenny & Carla Overton
SIM | Mozambique
Kenny is involved in sports ministry in Mozambique, from coaching a soccer team to discipling other soccer coaches, to training new referees. He also works as the maintenance man for our mission organization here and has trained several local men as carpenters, enabling them to now have their own carpentry shop, selling items such as bed and window frames. Carla is homeschooling their boys and hosting a kids’ club twice a week with the neighborhood kids who come to play.
Facts About Mozambique
  • Has a population of almost 31 million people with its capital as Maputo
  • Is rich in natural resources with a tropical climate and rains from November to April
  • Four-fifths of the country’s workforce is employed in farming, producing maize, cassava, beans, and rice for food
  • Main cash crops: tobacco, cotton, sesame, coconut, cashews, sugar cane
  • Life expectancy rate is 52 years for males and 57 for females (compared to 77 years of age for Americans)
Prayer Requests
  • For the group of about 25 soccer coaches that Kenny meets with regularly, that their hearts would be tender and open to the Holy Spirit, accepting the Good News of the Gospel in their lives.
  • For their local church, which is a small Wesleyan church of about 80 people. It is highly nominal, without much maturity or spiritual growth. They are asking the Lord to work in the church members’ hearts to increase their desire for the Lord and his Word, allowing him to transform them into passionate followers of Christ.